Wednesday, 26 August 2009

Why i have decided to be a dentist

Lots of people are really scared of dentists.

People are already scared of me, so it made my decision easy, one half of business is in my pocket!

Now seriously. I hear questions like "why dentistry my god?!" all the time. Its quite a long story. When i was small kid and went at school upstairs, somebody pushed me and i fell. The result was that my hard palate was in two pieces (dont worry, dont have any scarfs visible, because i am also known as this: , but that is another story) :)

Anyway i went to hospital, everything fixed, and there my teeth problems have started. My fuck*ing denist, some lady nearby my home, decided to pull my canine teeth. She gave me anaesthetic, but started pulling right after she put the injection away though, so you can imagine how painful that was. When i look back i dont see any reason why she had to do that, because my "adult teeth", concretely the canine ones, havent grown till 5 years after this accident.

Meanwhile the 5 years I went to Italy with my parents and had another accident - at night i have fallen from the bed and broke my incisor tooth. At home we went to x ray and the motto "better safe than sorry" worked well, they found out that in my gum there was a cyst. So i had to go to surgery and spent one week in hospital. To be honest, it was great week and i will never forget it :)) you know, children's department, so we had computer to play (only if there was nobody at operating theatre), and each other to bother. Also, compulsory ice-cream! It was great time really i enjoyed. My broken tooth had to be fixed many times, because they didnt want to pull it - so i have artificial extension till now :)

That is not all. You must know how does it work when you have space in your mouth (according to the canine teeth issue). Your teeth just start to be bored and want to travel, and so they do. My teeth werent any departure from the rule and soon i had teeth miles away from each other. That wasnt so bad if my adult teeth didnt want to be neglected anymore and wanted to grow up.

Unfortunately because of young teeth's travels, they didnt have any space so there was dangerous they will grow up straight into my cheek. So the other nice dentist (this time she was really nice) pulled off 5 my teeth. Two of them were adult and three young ones. Then i was given... how do you called the stuff... the metal things to keep your teeth straight? I havent found any translation.. but i am sure you know what i am talking about :)

After another few years they took it away and my teeth are well. I have never had tooth decay, thats a wee irony isnt it? Never was drilled. Just was sharpened so the artificial tooth could be built (nothing nice...).

So do you know now, why do i want to be a dentist? Yeah? V for Vendetta, revenge is mine you creepy dentists!

Just kidding. Only dont want anybody to walk through anything i walked through. I want to help people, i am manually skilful and human body always interested me... :)


Nothing Profound said...

Always wondered why anyoone would want to be a dentist. You've helped clear up the mystery.

snoodle said...

Thats great, mysteries up-cleaner was my second answer on question "what do you want to be as grown up?" :))

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